Sunday, April 3, 2011

Vongola Occult Gakuen

“ I need a teleport! teleport me out of here! A monster—that I do not know was chasing over me! Forget the key!”

“calm down, we will send one there”

“ah, there it is”




“ he…failed to come back in time”

“even number 5 could not do it!”

“how many were left?”

“only one, number 6”  

  Vongola Occult Gakuen 

Disclaimer : not mine

Rating : T

Warning : AU, mostly follow Seikimatsu Occult Gakuen’s story line, OOC, Genben, bad grammar

A girl with long spiky chocolate hair, wearing mini white dress that perfectly match her tiny body was entering a taxi, holding her Orange suitcase.

 Vongola Academy” she said it coldly.

“ oh, the one in Namimori. What matter brings you there, Little miss?—oh ya, I remembered that the principal was dead because of heart attack. There are some weird gossips about that school, monster, ghost, supernatural phenomenon—not normal things in this century” the taxi’s driver said, laughing.

“…” she ignored the driver, looking outside.

“hey little miss, did you know what the called for that place?” he asked, making the girl turned her head to face him.

“yes, I know”

After 15 minutes in taxi, she jumped out the taxi, saying ‘thank you’ and pay. Stomping her left feet, she said,  “Vongola Academy—no, Occult Gakuen

“ah, you must be Sawada Tsunayoshi. I am Oregano. I felt sorry for the sudden death of your father..” she said, sobbing a little.

The girl named Tsunayoshi scanning the room. She saw the students were praying full heartedly, and saw a coffin with her father’s photo on it, in the middle of the room.

“ah, this way, Tsunayoshi-san” Oregano said, wiping the tears with her handkerchief. Holding Tsunayoshi’s orange suitcase. Tsunayoshi followed her.

“ah—it’s been awhile..” a girl with short brown haired said.

“is that the Tsunayoshi you often talked?” a girl with long braided black hair asked. Fixing her glasses position.

“yes, my childhood friend. The only child of Sawada Iemitsu, Sawada Tsunayoshi” said the short haired girl, seeing Tsunayoshi who was currently sitting on a seat near the podium.

“she looked….er….cold…? i-I mean, she came late in her father’s funeral ceremony…and she even wear a white dress!” the braided girl said.

“that’s how she is…” the shorted haired girl said, whistling.

Oregano stood up at the podium, coughing a little. “Praying finished. Now, I want all of you to hear this. We found it on the principal’s table and this is principal’s last greeting for you.” She said, inserting the tape to the tape player.

[“ ehm—all of my beloved students. I have been imagining a lot how my coffin was set in front of you all. However, there is only a lifeless body in this thing right now, which can’t do anything. I hope you all remembered our philosophy, the one that Giotto Vongola wrote. Do not be afraid of occult. The truth is not what you could see with your eyes! It is what you could see with your heart! Yesterday I was reading an old book, there is a spell, that catch my eyes…oh…where is that book? Ow, my leg…ah, there it is! Sanguis bebimus edimus corpus! Ave satan!...”]






[“…ups…sorry…wrong spell. It was a spell to summon the ancient spirits of the dead-"]


The lamp died suddenly. Purple smoke began to envelop the room.

“who…who have disturbed my sleep? Why you disturbed it…?” the smoke makes a creepy face then entered the coffin, where the principal’s lifeless body laid.

The coffin opened roughly, a person silhouette appeared from it.

“n-no way…that man is…”

“ ….i will kill …” the person stepped out from the coffin.


The principal’s photo that was set near the coffin cracked.


The students were in panic, they run—run to save their own life. A girl with glasses felt, her glasses fall. She seems to find her glasses.

“ O-Oregano-sensei…w-what should we do?” a man with black shirt asked

“ se—send all the students out of here immediately!”

“my glasses…glasses-chan…ah, there it is” she said, putting her glasses on. “AAA” she screamed, her leg froze, she could only watch how the monster running on to her.

“I-PIN! WATCH OUT!” the short haired girl shouted. Trying to help her friend.

che Tsunayoshi rose , took her seat and threw it to the monster. The monster was thrown back to the coffin. She closed the coffin roughly with her right foot.

“EVERY BODY, CALM DOWN!” she shouted. All the eyes are onto her.

“in this world, there’s no such things as ghost, monster or whatever it called! This was…this was…this was a drama!”



“you there! This was a drama right! There are some tricks behind this right! Be honest!” she pointed her finger on Oregano. Oregano shaking her head in panic and make x’s with both of her hands. Meaning that was not a drama.

che, whatever it was. Sawada Iemitsu has tricked you all! Giotto Vongola described the occult things as religious minority likes Gnosticism and Manicheans. By the other words, the Vongola statement about the occult was just a part of religion archeology! The principal only took it and spread the meaning of it, inserting the ghost, UFO and other things to take profit from your eagerness! And….eh?” Tsunayoshi stopped her speech as she realized something was wrong. She turned her head around and found the monster standing by her side. The monster tackled her, making her fly in the air and crashed the floor.

The monster flew and made some weird laugh. Some teacher that had successfully unlocked the locked door helped the students to get out from this chaos one by one.

“ you all cannot escape…HAHA the monster laughed, fly and break the roof that made of glass. Escaping.

Tsunayoshi!” a girl with short haired girl shouted.

Hearing her name called. Tsunayoshi lifted her face up, brushing the hair that covered her face, “it’s been five years…Haru” she said, staring at the short haired girl.

“yeah, it’s been five—no no no. what are you doing here, Tsunayoshi? And what do you mean by the drama thing?” Haru asked.

“HA—? Where? Where did he go?” Tsunayoshi asked, gazing around, searching that monster.

“ the principal already escaped..” Haru answered, pointing the broken roof.

Tsunayoshi rose and walked to the door, “this is not good,  we must hurry or there will be more victims”


Tsunayoshi turned her gazed to Haru, “I’ll explain later” she said and went out from the building.

(in the library)

“ principal seems to escape to the main building”

“this will not be easy. Finding him in this huge building”

“first of all, we must find the identity of that monster—euhsanguis bebimus corpus” said the braided girl with glasses. Flipping the book.

“it was a Lamie. In ancient Egypt, there is lost civilization called Laroca. That spell was to revive the spirit of death, called a Lamie. "Said Tsunayoshi.

“…wow, you are genius—ah sorry, my name is I-pin. Miura Haru’s classmate . thank you so much for saving me back then. Eto, I’m sorry for the death of your father. I have a great respect toward your father, so I entered this school. Although my score is little low, I want to be like—”

“you want to be a dead soul?” Tsunayoshi cut her speech.


yooo! I have brought some people that might be useful!” Haru said, pointing two tall men behind her.

“this is Gokudera Hayato, music teacher. He is crazy about occult thing. And the taller one is Yamamoto Takeshi, sport teacher. His fighting skill is good so I brought him”  Haru said proudly.

‘somewhat….looking at their appearance…they’re useless’ Tsunayoshi thought.

“so, what can they do?” she said, pointing the men with two fingers.  

“I feel it…..I FEEL IT!” Gokudera said. Holding two slim sticks with shaped of ¬. (I do not know the name—so, just called that thing stick)

“what…did he do..?” Tsunayoshi asked, raising her left eyebrow.

“soul searching” replied Haru, winking.

“I feel it…” Gokudera said, walking toward the direction the sticks point.

They walked and walked. They climbed the stairs to another stairs.

 Tsunayoshi are you okay? You look a little tired?” asked Haru.

“I am okay” said Tsunayoshi and continue to walk.

“nee, what kind of person Tsunayoshi is? She knows various types of spirits but still called them none exist creatures, why?” I-pin asked.

“ i..don’t know why. But she’s a good girl, though a bit naughty” said Haru, smiling.

“o—uh, what is this?” I-pin said quietly, wiping green liquid from her glasses.

“…because of Tsunayoshi, I entered this school…oy…I-pin..?” Haru turned around and saw that I-pin is missing.

“ I feel it….he is coming from that direction!” Gokudera said, pointing the front.

The lamps died suddenly.

“HE IS COMING!” Gokudera Yelled.

Suddenly, the sticks pointed the opposite direction; they immediately turned to the opposite direction.

“….” Tsunayoshi shows a disgusted face, seeing the green sticky liquid dripping from the top.

“I will kill you…I will kill you all…”

“I-PIN!” Haru shouted.

“WATCH OUT!” Yelled Yamamoto, pushing Haru and swing his bat towards ‘I-pin’. It hit ‘I-pin’s’ face.

I-pin rose, this time trying to hit Gokudera. Yamamoto who saw it immediately swung his bat towards ‘I-pin’ and hit her repeatedly.

“it’s not useful. To stop Lamie, you have to find the first people who have it.”

“…what do you mean…?” Yamamoto asked. Feeling a gap, ‘I-pin’ throws green liquids to Yamamoto’s face, make him fly and crashed the floor.

 Tsunayoshi…” ‘I-pin’ gazed at her then run away from them.

“wait!” Tsunayoshi yelled. Running after ‘her’.

Tsunayoshi! It is dangerous to go alone! Tsunayoshi!” Haru shouted. But ignored by Tsunayoshi who keep chasing ‘I-pin’.

“ to kill Lamie…” Tsunayoshi run as fast as she could. Opening door by door and entered a room.

Large brown eyes scanning the room. Fireplace, Christmas tree, boxes of present, frames.

Tsunayoshi Tsunayoshi turned her eyes, she saw a long table full of dishes and a middle-aged who was sitting on the comfy chair.


Papa smiled at her, “I’m sorry dear, you are right. Everything is just a trick. Which is planned from the beginning.”


His smile turned into sorrowful looked, “ because I thought…you won’t come unless you think that I was dead. You and your mother…I miss you a lot…did your mom is in good condition?”

“she died two years ago”

“ I see….forgive me…I spent too much time studying occult and watching this school. I ignored the family….ignoring you…” his dull eyes full with sadness.


“ I failed….i failed as a father…”

“ stop it…stop it papa!” tears began to felt, she ran towards his father, hugging his arm and cried, “it’s okay papa…it’s okay…”

Tsunayoshi” he patted her hair.

“let’s go papa. I want you to show me more from this school” she said, walking towards the door.

“yeah, I’ve many things to discussed with you” papa rose from his seat. Smirked was drawn on his old face. Small claws began to appear from his fingers.

Tsunayoshi stopped, “nee papa, did you know something? They said evil spirits can read people’s mind and soul, to take advantage of their deepest weakness”


“and to stop Lamie…you need to find the first person who have it and cut off his head” she said. Holding an ax and walked towards her papa.

“w-what are you talking about…Tsunayoshi…?” his father said.

“ did you know? Papa never called me Tsunayoshi” without hesitation. She swung the ax right to his neck. Making his head cut off and fall. His body fell and purple smoke coming out from his throat.

Tsunayoshi!” the door opened. Haru and I-pin were panting heavily. Behind them were Yamamoto and Gokudera.

TsuTsunayoshi?” Haru surprised, seeing the room that Tsunayoshi’s entered.  There are sharp spikes attached to a seat,  large axes hanging on the wall, and the principal’s body without head was lying on the floor, green liquid came out from his cut neck.

“…I was…” Tsunayoshi clutched the ax tightly.

‘i…I love my dad, he’s the only one who let me believed the creatures that can’t be seen by the eyes. Only heart can see it. However, it makes my dad crazy. This place….Occult Academy…’  

“this will do” a pink haired woman stick the principal’s head to his body. “do not let down your guard, she’s still the principal’s daughter after all”


Tsunayoshi sat alone on the roof, sitting by the edge. Looking at the orange colored sky.

‘ this occultism will destroy human race. Someday, this school will brings a chaos to the entire world. Before that happen, I will destroy this school! That is why I come back’ Tsunayoshi stood up, watching the sun.

“I HATE OCCULT!” she screamed as loud as she could. Feeling annoyed.


Hearing something, Tsunayoshi turned her gaze towards the sound. “huh? Phone?” she said, grabbing the phone.

“huh….?” She was shocked when she saw a light coming from the sky, the light ended at the roof where she was standing. He saw a man fell from the light.

“whoops…that was tiring..” the man said, taking off the goggles from his face. Tsunayoshi widened her large eyes, gaping.



My grammar is bad! i don't know why people kept saying that my english is great

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